Only in-game assets can be used it is not possible to create or import custom models into the game. Players can also add additional particle effects, lighting effects, and other gameplay items like health packs and ammo pick-ups into their creations. Their artificial intelligence and stats, and the player's own movement speed, can also be modified. Most of the game's enemies can be placed in SnapMap, with the exception of the summoner and campaign's bosses. Players can also access the X-ray camera, which temporarily removes all the walls to allow players to view the objects inside. Additionally, they can make custom areas using blocking boxes or decorations.

When building a level, the game will shift to a top-down view where players can place pre-defined rooms and hallways to form a level. Players can create maps for different modes, ranging from single-player levels, to co-operative or competitive multiplayer maps. It can be used to assemble prefabricated rooms, place objects such as monsters and weapons, and define custom events within maps. SnapMap is the integrated editor in Doom (2016) that allows players to create and edit maps with their own structure and game logic. Interacting with this panel triggers logic to end the level.